Early Mine Property Valuation Software: Call for Interest

Getting a handle on a mine property valuation during the early stages of an asset development project reflects an owner’s commitment to delivering promised returns on capital invested. The difficulty faced by independent explorers, venture capitalists, miners, and financiers is getting a reliable and commonly accepted assessment of the value of a mining deposit, particularly in early stages. Over the years, Independent Project Analysis, Inc. (IPA) evaluations of actual mining projects located globally found that the real values of mineral properties differ a great deal from their early valuations.

With a database of over 1,600 mining and metals projects executed around the world, IPA has developed a suite of benchmarking models based on projects completed during the past two decades. With these data and models, IPA is now proposing to build an online valuation tool (software) to help owners and investors ascertain: “What is the value of a property given the deposit’s location, size, type, characteristics, and work completed at the site so far?”

The general design framework for the Early Mine Property Valuation software has been established. The proposed tool will be easy-to-use and feature real project data. It starts with an information input interface designed to make it easy for users to provide basic information and assumptions, including technical details such as orebody and location information, operational inputs, and market assumptions. Based on IPA data and benchmarking models, the software will then suggest development solutions (operation types and scale, and key scope components) and benchmark capital and operating costs, schedule, and operability. The tool will further calculate potential economic values, such as annual cash flow, net present value (NPV), rate of return, and payback period, and finally generates a report of these property valuation outcomes.

The early mine Early Mine Property Valuation software will join IPA’s growing list of software application offerings powered by IPA’s capital project database and proprietary models, including the FEL Toolbox, Site Portfolio Tool, Opportunity Assessment Toolkit, and Snapshot: Subsea Tieback. Security is built into the fabric of IPA’s products, infrastructure, and processes, so IPA software users can rest assured that all user input and output data will be safeguarded.

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