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IPA Newsletter December 2018 (Volume 10, Issue 4)

In this issue:

Why Capital Project Systems Succeed or Fail
A discussion of the four key modes of project system failure, as identified by IPA’s Edward Merrow through research, and what it takes for organizations to overcome these common traps.

Improving the Effectiveness of Capital Project Organizations
Examining why business organizations struggle to effectively support capital projects, including five steps for planning the right structure for your project organization.

Oil & Gas Industry Leaders Reconvene for UIBC 2018
In addition to receiving research on key E&P industry issues, each company attending UIBC 2018 gained valuable insight into how its capital project system performance directly compares to other members.

Project Data Show Declining Performance Trends for Pulp and Paper Sector Capital Projects
What is driving the drop-off in cost and schedule performance in pulp and paper projects over the last decade, and what can companies do to achieve expected return on investment?

Also in this issue:

  • E&P Opportunity Assessment Toolkit
  • The Business of Supporting Our Communities
  • IPA Events and Presentations
  • IPA Institute 2019 Public Course Schedule (including 10% off promo code)
  • IPA Celebrates 20,000 Capital Projects!

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