Successful Pharma & Biotech Capital Project System Organization

How can pharmaceutical and biotech companies successfully organize their capital project systems in an environment with lean talent resources? Independent Project Analysis (IPA) seeks participants to join a research study that will identify industry best practices.
Pharmaceutical (Pharma) and biotech companies are in a period of significant capital spend, giving rise to capital project portfolio growth across the Industry. However, organizations are simultaneously striving to be more competitive in the market by streamlining their global supply chains. As a result, engineering organizations are the leanest they have been in recent history, causing many pharma and biotech companies to struggle meeting project cost, schedule, and quality demands required to stay competitive with their current resources. Hiring the additional required resources is rarely an option, and in some cases, leadership is pushing to further reduce the engineering organization in the midst of this growth period. This recent era in Industry gives rise to a new concerted effort: reduce pharma and biotech capital project cost while still delivering a quality product quickly to market.
Optimizing Pharma & Biotech Project Organizations for Capital Effectiveness
Pharmaceutical and biotech capital effectiveness is rooted in the project organization. Assembling effective project teams and ensuring the project teams have support enables the use of project Best Practices, which in turn drives project performance. Developing and executing successful capital projects in this strained resource environment has become a major challenge within the pharmaceutical and biotech industry. Companies must now look for ways to strengthen their capital project organizations within this lean environment, so they can effectively support the implementation of project Best Practices.
To support companies in this effort, Independent Project Analysis (IPA) is initiating a research study to identify ways to optimize pharmaceutical and biotech capital project organizations in this era of constrained talent resources.

Answering Key Pharma & Biotech Project Organization Questions
Pharmaceutical and biotech companies will receive beneficial answers to these key questions from the research study:
- What capital project owner resources are critical to keep in-house and which functions can be effectively performed by contractors?
- What is the optimal ratio of Owner to Agency (third-party contractor) staff?
- What is the best way to partner with contractors throughout the overall supply chain?
- How are companies in the pharma & biotech industry structuring their organizations with respect to capital cycle and the resources available to the system?
- How are onboarding and training programs developed and implemented to effectively prepare capital project owner personnel and contractors?
How Pharma & Biotech Companies Can Participate
This IPA research study is open to all pharma & biotech companies seeking to successfully organize their capital project organizations to compete in a lean environment. Each participating company will be asked to complete a survey about staffing, organizational structure, and onboarding/training programs. IPA will also ask each participating company to partake in a follow-up interview.
The survey and interviews, in conjunction with organizational data already included in IPA’s Organizations & Teams databases, will be used to address the research questions. General industry findings as well as company-specific findings (such as staffing benchmarks, deviations from industry norms, etc.) will be delivered by presentation.