Site & Sustaining Capital Projects Database

IPA Databases

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Detailed Data From Thousands of Site & Sustaining Capital Projects

IPA’s Site & Sustaining Capital Projects Database contains detailed data on thousands of site-managed capital projects, including revamps, add-ons, expansions, turnarounds, and greenfield/colocated projects. These detailed data include information on portfolio, technical characteristics, cost and schedule performance, and more, all collected directly from owner project teams. IPA adds 400+ new SSC projects to this database every year, enabling us to quantify the effect of key practices on project results, benchmark sites against one another, and identify new Best Practices that drive improved site-based project system performance and increased capital effectiveness.

Site & Sustaining Capital Projects Database At-A-Glance

  • 10,000+ Site-Managed Projects
  • US$1.6 Million Average Project Value (Ranging From US$50K to US$50MM)
  • 350+ Manufacturing Sites and Business units
  • 200+ Companies

Project Data From 81 Countries
Across 7 Regions

IPA’s database contains region-specific information
on site & sustaining capital projects executed all around the globe.

World map showing IPA's site and sustaining capital projects database by region (North America, Latin America, Africa, Europe/Commonwealth of Independent States, Middle East, Asia, and Oceania.
Bar chart showing IPA's site and sustaining capital projects database by industrial sector (airports, specialty chemicals, commodity chemicals, pipelines & distribution, onshore/offshore oil & gas exploration & production, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, power, pulp/fiber products, liquefied natural gas, and infrastructure).

12 Industrial Sectors Represented

Bar chart showing IPA's site and sustaining capital projects database by industrial sector (airports, specialty chemicals, commodity chemicals, pipelines & distribution, onshore/offshore oil & gas exploration & production, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, power, pulp/fiber products, liquefied natural gas, and infrastructure).

The projects in our database include “stay-in-business” efforts and maintenance projects executed in chemical and petrochemical facilities, refineries, offshore oil platforms, onshore assets, mining sites, pharmaceutical facilities, paper mills, and more.

Photo of project professionals working in a manufacturing facility as representative of IPA's site and sustaining capital projects clients.

How Our Clients Benefit

Photo of project professionals working in a manufacturing facility as representative of IPA's site and sustaining capital projects clients.

Click the Learn More button to see how IPA applies the data to help our clients improve the effectiveness of their site-based projects and save millions in wasted capital.


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Key contact

View Pablo Cabezas’s profile

Pablo Cabezas

Product Development Leader, Site & Sustaining Capital

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