Project Governance
Upgrade your investment decision-making capability
Project governance is the set of practices that controls how capital investment opportunities are progressed in compliance with the project development process. IPA Capital Solutions applies our deep knowledge of project governance to ensure owner organizations have this critical element structured properly to maximize shareholder value.
Project Governance Assessment
How Effective is Your Governance Structure?
IPA Capital Solutions has worked with project governance systems across the full spectrum of processing industries to understand how company investment-decision making aligns with capital project process stage-gates and the critical gate-keeping role. Using our proprietary capital projects database, we identify gaps between your governance structure and those considered Best-in-Class and develop and implement solutions to close the gaps in a way that aligns with your business needs and objectives. We work together with you to optimize your governance system into a logical, robust, and repeatable decision-making framework to drive capital effectiveness.
Let's Get Started
Talk with an expert about your project and how our data can drive your next success.
Key contact
Deborah McNeil
Director, IPA Capital Solutions

Featured Article
Why Capital Project Systems Succeed or Fail
A discussion of the four key modes of project system failure, as identified by IPA’s Edward Merrow through research, and what it takes for organizations to overcome these common traps.

Featured Article
Establishing a Fit-for-Purpose Project System
When designed and implemented properly, a truly fit-for-purpose system drives project delivery improvements linked to better returns on capital spend.